Here's the Adoption "To Do List"
Send LOI (letter of Intent to Adopt): (Done August 13)
Wait for PA (prior approval): (Done September 14th)
Send Dossier to China: (Done September 15)
Talk to Social Worker to get home study addendum: (Done September 18th)
Get Home study Addendum (Received on October 3)
Receive Letter of Acceptance (Received on December 14)
Sign and Return LOA back to the Agency via FEDEX
Apply for Travel Visas to China
Receive Travel Approval
Make Consulate Appointment
Get the go ahead to book plane tickets
Leave to Pick up Min!!
I can tell you a little bit about our little girl, now! Her name is Min. We're going to call her "Min". She's 2 years old and will turn 3 in January. She's a month younger than Laina. She doesn't like to eat, and really only likes to eat rice and noodles. Her favorite toy is a car, she loves to visit the neighbors and she loves to wear pretties in her hair. She would love to have a doll. Here's a couple of pictures of beautiful miss Min!!