Min and Laina have been sleeping in their own beds for the past 3 nights. Last night was the first night that Min slept in her own bed all night long. She had to wake up around 2 am. and afterwards she was not very willing to go back to sleep in her bed. I put Min in her bed and slept on the floor until she fell asleep and then went back to my own bed. She woke up happy and smiling at 7:00 the next morning. She's not happy that I'm not "Bao baoing" her to sleep. She'd love it if she were in bed with me falling asleep on my chest and sleeping next to us all night. Yes, it's cozy and warm and nice, but it's not going to fit into our reality. She cries and I check in at intervals, every minute for 2 times, every 2 minutes for 3 times and then every 5 minutes for 3 times. She was asleep after the first 2 minute set tonight.
Today I had to let the girls come to an understanding. Min is naturally a sweet tempered child. She doesn't like to rock the boat and would never pick on anyone. Laina is more of an aggressive personality and I have had to break up a few scuffles that were started by Laina. Today I had to let Laina know that Min wouldn't be a pushover. Min had a toy, Laina wanted the toy and went over to take it. Laina pushed Min. Min looked over to me to see if I would intervene. I told Min to push Laina back and tell her "NO". Min did. Laina hit Min. Min hit Laina. Laina pushed Min. Min pushed Laina. Laina hit Min. Min hit Laina. Min grabbed Laina's hair. Laina grabbed Min's hair. Push, hit, grab, scream, push. It was a regular cat fight. It ended when they both stopped fighting and started crying. I comforted both of them and then had a little talk with Laina about why she should use kind actions and gentle hands. It was hard to see them hurt each other, but I can't be watching them each and every second, and Laina needs to know that Min is capable of standing up to her. Min is gentle and kind, but when pushed to it, Min will win in a fight with Laina. (Baby cage fight...get your tickets now, show starts at 7:00). Seriously though--Laina played nicely with a good deal more respect for the rest of the afternoon.
For the most part the girls play well together and really enjoy each other's company. I really am enjoying both girls for their very different personalities. I couldn't ask for anything better.

Oh yeah, and the hair: It's not a great picture, I didn't get a good picture of my my new 'do. But you maybe can get the general idea. If not, enjoy a lovely picture of my husband and Min. They far outshine me, anyways...

They are both stunning and beautiful! Min looks like she might be taller than Laina, is that right?
Sometimes, the more quieter one just has to put the louder sister in her place... hehe... It is good to hear that Laina was more 'respectful' afterwards... take care
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