After we went there, we had to go the police precinct near her social welfare institute to get the paperwork for her passport. We had to get her passport picture taken there. She was very unhappy with the idea of sitting in a chair to get her picture taken and she started to cry. Our guide tried to stay with her and hold her had, but she still cried. They told me to try and stand with her and hold her hand, and you know what? She stopped crying! She didn't smile, but she was at least not crying.

In all of the photos that we got of Min before we met her, she was quite stoic and didn't smile for any of the pictures. I have heard from Adriana that she was quite animated and talkative, but there was not proof on film. Until now. Here's some hard proof that once her stoic shell is breached, little Min is quite a goofy little girl:

hugz to you and your little family!!! Min is so pretty
YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!! what a beautiful smile!
What an absolute sweetheart!! I couldn't wait to see pics. of her with you guys. Congratulations!! Blessings, stacy (OC)
Cute, goofy pictures. I hope you get a lot more of those smiles. Congrats on making it through your first couple of days.
She's so pretty. And did you do her hair?? What a mom you have become!!
In all the pictures I have of my waiting son, who knows Min, there isn't a smile in a one. I can relate. Thrilled to see a smile on little Min's face. How happy I am for you!
She's even more beautiful than in the other pictures! I am so happy for you (not just because she is beautiful - not being that shallow)! I hope things are going fantastically!
She looks so happy! Congrads!
how wonderful to see that smiling face!
mom to Heather & Aiying
Hey you guys! Congrats on making it through the first couple of days! Its hard to believe we were in your same position only 7 weeks ago. . .Its fun to see your adoption ceremony pic and recognize the same gal that did our adoption and is in our "forever family" day pictures too! I told you Min was a silly little thing. I am glad she is feeling secure enough to show you some of her true self---that is wonderful! Hugs to you all! Adriana, WA state
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